Trumping the Tart

A tale of tasty trials

Undertaking the Popover

So over the pop-ular vacation spots, Hannah and I popped over to Walla Walla, WA, last weekend. I think all that sunshine overpopped our brain cells, as we forgot all about the berry galette. It looked delicious, see here or here for the lovely recipe hosts’ posts.

Just a pop of Walla Walla flavor, then onto this week’s project:

Big reds here, ladies. 100+ wineries populate this valley.


Popovers. So simple, all you need is a blender. And a microwave. Our microwave died last week.

Here’s how to warm butter: not in a 400 deg oven.

Burnt and boiling. But save the scorching-hot glass, it melts the next batch of butter.

Aw, three eggs warmed slowly in three hands.

Forget the personal touch, we still have working hot water.

Still Life: Milk in Hot Water with Three Bubbles.

For lack of more ‘pop’ words, our eyes did pop over this easy recipe. We stuck everything in a blender and pureed away.

Star of the show, it deserves a large photo op.

Simply pour into the baking cups. We had tried to anchor a piece of parchment paper to the bottom of each cup to help the little poppers come out.

Pop-tastic, and pretty!

Sadly, some batter snuck under that parchment paper, resulting in popover cement at the bottom of the pan. No matter, there was plenty on the upper side.

Our insides were hollow with none of the doughy-ness we read about (because we’ve been going to the gym). We liked them hollow, good to fill with butter, honey, Nutella…an over pop-ulous party of possibilities 🙂

You have one for me, yes?

So delicious!

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7 thoughts on “Undertaking the Popover

  1. I like your ingredient warming methods! Mine stuck too. Love the honey pic!

  2. Lovely pictures – the last one is extremly yummy!

  3. those are some really yummy photos!

  4. Teresa on said:

    Love the shape you got – so pretty!

  5. Are they not the most artistic looking creation ever? The last photo will make a convert out of anyone! Looks lucious!

  6. Piebird on said:

    you definitely got some poptastic shapes, amazing!

  7. Fun post.
    You ended up with some pretty cool shapes! Yeah.

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