Trumping the Tart

A tale of tasty trials

Champagne Supernova Naan-sense

This week with TWD is Oasis Naan. I can’t say it was my Wonderwall, but it was definitely tasty. I am ignoring your groaning and will naan-theless press on with a recap of this tasty trial.

According to instructions, we mixed the dough, stirring in the same direction, and then began to knead. The dough was supposed to become easy to handle (naan-adhesive, anyone?). Strangely, either Hannah has amazing dough-magnet hands or we were just too impatient. It is difficult to knead for 10 min. We balled the sticky mess into a loose amoeba and let it rest for 2 hrs. Well, 3.5 hrs, due to an impromptu dinner party complete with smores and the use of our new firepit. By the end of our evening, the dough was shoving itself against the plastic wrap, and it was too late to crank up our oven to 500 deg for a midnight sweathouse session. Naan-dough went into the fridge to calm down until the next day.

Calm down now

The next day, I had grand plans to awaken our home to a warm cloud of bread and cumin. Too bad I am not a morning person, and no threat of overfluffed dough can apparently change that. So at 5:30pm, after the dough had continued to slowly rise in the fridge for 18 hrs, I returned from work to bake. The dough was rolled, flattened, poked, and seasoned. It then enjoyed a Saharan vacation in our literally smoking oven.

Naan-dough apparently felt it had room to breathe. Or thought itself to be a proud, puffed-up dinner roll. Either way, it was still delicious with hummus. Next time, we will not be as naan-chalant with our dough rise time.

By now you shoulda, somehow, realized what you gotta do. We will try again, Oasis.

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12 thoughts on “Champagne Supernova Naan-sense

  1. Wow “naans” blob invading the kitchen! Kind of scary πŸ™‚
    Even if they puffed up in the middle they are perfect and yummy…. Great idea to use them as a pita bread.
    I loved them !

  2. Ok, you had me laughing at naan-theless! What a great post!

  3. Your post is most enjoyable … even those flour-id puns. One thing I love about this recipe is how forgiving it is. It’s one of my faves.

  4. Funny post and the naan looks good.

  5. I love your Naan, puffy and all! Nost of all I love your fun write up. It made me smile–I pictured dough taking over your kitchen!
    Fun recipe–so many possibilities.

  6. “Too bad I’m not a morning person…” Love that you’re not afraid to live on the edge. And what is with this recipe and the puns? The wordplay is flying from all corners. Apparently it’s just ir-rise-sistable!

  7. Funny post….and lovely naan! Have a great day!

  8. Piebird on said:

    looks like you and your naans were naan-stoppable. thanks for the chuckles!

  9. holy moly yours got some rise to ’em! πŸ™‚

  10. Ha – I love Oasis and Wonderwall is one of my top favorite songs of all time.
    This was definitely one to have pun, I mean fun, with…

  11. Enjoyed your post…mine were puffy too!! πŸ™‚

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